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Omala local government is blessed with great men and women of repute. It’s a home of hospitality and peace.
Amongst the political class is this young gentleman whose passion for Omala development knows no bound.
He is Hon Matthew Ochada – HMO. A media expert of repute and a politician that is so much loved by his people for his generosity and crave for Omala’s growth.
We are calling on the high authorities to give us this gentleman the affairs of our great local government to handle. We are very sure that he will deliver. No doubt!
Although, there may be threat of brimstone and the orchestra ? of uncertainty may play to a full house, but once the time for success arrives, nature’s appointed man of the hour must bring it to pass. This is the time for Omala to witness all round transformation through HMO.
The corrosive force of time had not been able to obliterate the fact that HMO stands tall amongst his contemporaries, having an unwaivering pursuit for PROGRESS and DEVELOPMENT of Omala local government. This has endeared him to so many.
History, which neither personal wealth nor power can preempt will pass terrible judgement on us and worst still, pronounce anathema on our names if we choose not to voice out this time to liberate Omala local government.
With HMO, the process of reconstructing Omala will begin, a ray of light will shine in our dear local government.
HMO… Who the cap fits!
Courtesy: Omala BELLONOJA Group