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As the Race for the Number one seat in Lugard’s house hots up, the Incumbent occupant of the seat of power too try to up his antics and scheming to hold unto power.
This is even has the governor battles for acceptance in the face of his obvious rejection by the people due to his ABYSMAL performance in the history of kogi state, his high handedness, Looting of state resources and clamping down on critics and voices of reasoning and worthy counsels.
Its on record also that Gov. Yahaya Bello is the youngest to ever govern kogi state and youngest governor in the history of Nigeria in the return to democracy since 1999.
An achievement that should be an Ebenezer for youth as well a reference point of the potentiality of the youth category…..a feet that has now become a negative byword in the future to come From Nov16.
The governor Now Pay groups to endorse his second time ambition.
knowing fully well no one in his or her right senses will endorse Gov. Yahaya Bello to continue his ruin of kogi state.
No student within or outside kogi state learning institutions, of whose in the majority have their parents owed salaries or pensions will support the fake endorsement.
Some kogi students have either lost their relatives or loved ones or friends to suicide or protracted illnesses as a result of non payment of Salaries or hardship imposed on them by the government of GYB.
Gov. Yahaya Bello, Can never enjoy genuine endorsement not even those around around him will use their godly mind to endorse him…..