By Sunny Ozi-Akande

It is sad, so sad to see that people who are supposed to be seen as well informed, at least by virtue of the certificates they have to show, could reason and appraise issues in a way I consider so strange.
In my own opinion, this set of people do not seem to understand the enormity of the damage caused so far, not only in term of welfare of the people whose meals they denied for several months now, but largely, to the image of Ebira nation and her prospect in the political landscape of our dear state.
The sad situation of the two major categories of appointees
My due respect goes to the very few relatively disciplined matured technocrats and professionals serving in the current cabinet. This very small segment of the cabinet who knows their onions, and who should have been the engine room of the current administration would call the shots if they had their way, but sadly, they we’re never given their rightful place: they had their good efforts frustrated by the leadership. Too bad. So sad.
I am actually not too surprised about a few others, who though, are supposed to be matured professionals but have traded off their values and professional ethics and now shamelessly conduct themselves in no better way, if not even worse than the overwhelming majority who dominate the cabinet and the so called elite class outside the government who have little or nothing to show in term of integrity and value. One will understand why this category of individuals should keep trying hard to protect their jobs or seek one, vide mediocrity only.
Since their mission is obvious, such ones could be ‘pardoned’ for shamelessly hitting the social media every now and then to list out series of infrastructural developments and other achievements, most of which neither exist, nor can they be traced. It is disturbing to note that, their situation is so bad that they are unable to see the ridicule they are subjecting their person to, and of cause, the insult on their intelligence and on we, their readers.
This is so pathetic !
Project Commissioning
I still wonder what level of desperation or frustration could have dragged the reasoning ability of certain category of people so low to the point of referring to campaign statements made by president buhari at the presidential rally in Lokoja as evidence of performance. Does campaign program amount to project commissioning ?
How many projects has the President ever come to commission in Kogi state ?
As for me, I know of the President’s portrait which Buhari commissioned sometime ago in the Governor’s office. At least I saw the picture Lol.
That Comrade Oshiomole, at the same campaign rally, teased the Governor that he would honour him with a wife, does that translate into performance ?
How does such joke settle part of the 38 months salary arrears ?
How does that clear the monthly outstanding balances of all who have been living on meagre percentages of their salaries ?
How does that deliver infrastructural development in the state ?
Does such joke bring back to life, those who committed suicide ?
Does that answer for the several civil servants who died, and are still dieing due to lack of payment of salary ?
How does campaign statements on the podium ameliorate the situations of the families of these people that are not only subjected perpetually to the agony of the loss of their loved ones, or their children already dropped out of schools due to inability to pick the bills ?
From the perspective of Ogo’ogu, an activist who wrote recently on this same subject:
If the general prayer for all of you who are truly working for another 4years for this administration is that God should run your own lives as the state government have done to the people of Kogi state especially the civil servants, how many of you will be able to say Amen to that ?
Your Amen to such prayer would have shown how loyal you truly are to the state government Lol.
If comrade Oshiomohle has not honoured among others, the Governors of Nasarawa, Ogun and Lagos States with 5 wives each, going by performance, what could our own Governor deserve from him and of cause APC, other than to discard him for non-performance, are we still not seeing the reality gradually playing out yet ?
The heart break
We of kogi Central has grossly been at the disadvantaged side in the past: We have been the most marginalised in the state. This unfortunate situation had subjected us to some sort of slavery, as the Kogi East, was obviously determined to hold onto power indefinitely. At a point, there was no hope for power shift until the divine intervention of the Almighty through His infinite mercy and supernatural power.
By that development, It was time for us to show that we are fit for the job.
GYB administration has been so favored by support from the Federal Government
The various forms of disbursements were a good opportunity for him to outperform all his predecessors
Through adequate utilisation of these opportunities, it would have been so easy to win the confidence and support of the West, the outside world and even, most part of the East.
He has ample opportunity to prove to the whole world that other people within the state can do it well, Anebira can do it better and Power shift is achievable !
Now, what did we get through Arrogance and Sense of Ingratitude of who we call our own ?
There’s little or nothing on ground as achievements to use as a bargaining power.
If anything at all, it is a embarrassment we have on our hands.
Our man became so arrogant on the assumption of power:
He was hardly accessible
He became so ungrateful ..ungrateful to God and unto Man
He cut off people that would have been useful to him including the candidate of Labour Party in the central, a former Deputy Governor who went on air and openly delivered his supporters to him to facilitate his victory at the supplementary election.
He did not treat one of our own, the Labour party Agent who God used to pave way for his success any less.
This man, through his knowledge, made a case, followed it through and succeeded in drawing the attention of the whole world to some irregularities resulting in aguement INEC found convincing enough to declare the initial/main Election of 2015 as inconclusive.
For reasons best known to him, Mr Governor decided to shot his doors against all deeply routed and experienced politicians he met on ground.
He has been busy playing God and now, the day of reckoning has come !
Anebira saw it coming, some elders tried their bits !
If Mr Governor has any wisdom at all, he was neither prepared to exercise same nor was he ready for enhancement from any body.
I started losing confidence in him right from his early days in office.
Specifically, the very day I watched him make scornful statement among several other vulgar ones such as…
”Who did I twist his hands to collect governorship position from ? If there is any such person here, let him raise his hand”
This was one of the reckless statements of Mr Governor on the day Ebira People’s Association (EPA) organised a stakeholders meeting targeted towards strategizing on lasting peace needed to ensure partnership between the people and his government. I can never forget the kind of cold that ran down my spine as I watched my Governor on his feet on the said day, delighting his audience of striking personalities with varieties of scornful statements. These people including HRM the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland and a pool of concerned Anebira who traveled from all works of life to Abuja with a view of collaborating efforts on a roadmap towards delivery of good governance.
Most people who would have genuinely supported him, were paraded as enemies.
Elders and more experienced politicians were in trouble as he sees them as hopeless
His body language became so fierce
As far as he was concerned he did not need anybody to see him except on invitation (of cause since he did not twist any body’s hands to collect his Governorship position) Lol.
No wonder he never needed any advice from anybody aside some inexperienced around him that were deceiving him.
It is so sad to know that even the few Elderly appointees within his cabinet have little or no say, as whatever he was able to agree with his Chief of Staff was what held Sway.
My greatest worry
This man has only brought a very big disgrace to Anebira !
He is such a great embarrassment to us at the Central !
Unfortunately, it is not very likely that governorship aspirants will have to keep dying in the process of election every time to enable Anebira emerge as Governors.
It is most unfortunate.
Except through divine intervention again
Only God knows how possible in the near future.
As power shifts shortly, the fate of Anebira has been mutilated and dumped in the hands of uncertainty, through the reckless conduct of our man.
In the foreseeable future, it will be difficult to have power back in the central through normal election since we have been misrepresented in a way and manner that will always make it difficult for Anebira to be trusted with power.
This is my pain.
May God help us