Unsettled by the peaceful, stone-free and resounding rally of the People’s Democratic Party in Kano on Thursday, the fractured , factionalised and fading All Progressives Congress (APC) had no other reaction after the impressive outing than to make a song and dance of what was by its own admission a slip of tongue of the urbane and intellectually savvy Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).
To demonstrate the extent that incoherence and political erosion has so much disoriented the beleaguered APC, its spinners attempted to cover the flame of its failure with a bare hand in an attempt to veil the rejection and shame that beguiled the Party when its leaders were stoned in that same Kano City just a few days before. The balablue of the APC is a shock therapy for the massive reception that the PDP received in Kano.
It is repulsive and revulsive that a Party that has ruined the economy and made it so prostrate that citizens are now buying their own currency will be talking about shame.
What is more shameful than having thousands of naira in your bank but you are unable to buy groundnut of 200 naira to mix with your garri, because you have a Party that has completely run out of ideas and has consequently run our country aground?
How can a Party talk of shame where banks have now shut down and customers have relocated from the peace of their homes to the cubicle of ATMs hoping for a wad of naira note to slip from the currency dispenser?
How can a Party talk of shame where in the place of hope for a better academic system in the university its Presidential Candidate is assuring that instead of 4 years students will spend 8 years. What a renewal of misery and hopelessness?
How can a Party talk about shame when its own Presidential candidate is accusing the President of Nigeria and leader of his Party of sabotage and an unpardonable economic mismanagement that has taken the naira from exchanging at 200 naira to a dollar to 800 naira to a dollar within 7 years?
How can a Party talk of shame when in a nation of over 200 million people the APC is parading a man who most times doesn’t know where he is and utters unintelligible bulaba and balabu all over the place?
How can a Party talk of shame where trillions of naira has been spent on fuel subsidy and Nigerians in the pauperised villages are buying a litre of petrol at 400 naira while those who ferry public money around in bullion vans pay 180 naira per litre?
How can a Party talk of shame where the rule of law and the Judiciary have been so basterdised that a vibrant and erudite Chief Justice of Nigeria was manacled out of office and was replaced by a lackey who ultimately paved way for a Chief Judge that romances with a dissenting group in a political party? Is it any little wonder that the Chairman of an Election Tribunal danced ‘buga’ in a court room to demonstrate his bias in a brazen conduct that awarded from the bench what a contestant could not obtain from the ballot box ?
Where the true meaning of shame is understood APC that can not campaign on its record but wants to reduce the credentials of a Presidential contender to the microcosm of a feudalised state should be so remorseful that it apologises to Nigerians for arresting development, destroying the economy, bastardising the Judiciary, inflicting pain of fuel, food and fund scarcity and making Nigeria a laughing stock all over the world.
A Party that has become irredeemable, consigning the hope of Nigeria in a mentally and physically sagged Flagbearer can only be stopped in its track by a broadminded visionary leader with a sound mind in a sound body, His Excellency Atiku Abubakar. The APC has performed in its destructive best. We have just 2 weeks to terminate this pain. Money will circulate again!
God bless Nigeria.
Senator Dino Melaye Spokesperson and Director Public Affairs PDP Presidential Campaign Management Committee