March 14, 2025

1 thought on “A Piece of Advise for Dennis Aganya:

  1. J. Friday you have said it all and you should have not dissipated much energy on his watery moves. I must however acknowledge the fact that throughout Dennis Aghanya’s submissions his emphasis is to force the NJC to do Aghanya pay master’s bid. I just pity Aghanya and his pay master because foe him to undermine the laudable journey of The Honourable Justice Umaru Abdullahi PCA, (as he then was) led committee which came and made truce between the Judiciary amd the Executive after hearong both sides and still alleging reluctance to act against NJC is not only careless but rude. Secondly its obvious that Aghanya was never concerned with the substanxe of the issues between the rwo sides so he has only come to provoke a mostly settled issue save for Aghanya’s agreeing to be used as an infamous tool for tye ulterior motives of hos pay master. Thirdly i pity Aghanya but very irritated too as Aghanya is not only expected to know very well the facts background and law surrounding this issue beforw lending his non starter hands to same, he’s expected as the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of SERAP to weogh the evidences he found before opening his mouth. Fourthly i pity Aghanya because he knows very well that hos empty threat is not only rudeness deviance a recalcitrant and cantankerous exhibition of his emptiness on the issue, he also knows that the much reverred NATIONAL JUDICIAL COUNCIL can never take him serious as they must hqve discountenanced same as soon as they read hear or watch him issue same. Lastly, Aghanya is so daft and ignorant about the present position of the matter that he’s saying that His Excellency instead of acting upon the dead rwcommendatuons of the Kogi State House of Assembly is still magnanimous in stil approaching the NJC. Aghanya’s ignorance is quickly caught as the said governor’s petition to NJC against the Chief Judge was last uear while the said house recommendations was this year. Aghanya my advise to you is that when you delce into any issue, dont just write on the surface and thereby exposing your organization and yourself ofcourse that you dont even know what you are writing upon as that shall show your customers and eould ve cusyomers rhat you are neithwr thorough nor well onfoemed in your researches upon any issue before you act but you only wrote and publish whatever your paymaster give to you and ehatever your paymaster direcrs you to do. Aghanya i know very well that the Honourable Chief Judge of Kogi State on his usual astute selfless objective minded and major heartsd personality wont ever take you serious or ever feel offended as long as he knows that you are just constitutong nuisance to him but be assured that at the appropriate time his lordship shall be convinced pleaded with and/or compelled to sue you amd yiur organization for libel. Lets fear God in our dealings in life please.

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