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Nigerian former Military President between 1985 and 1993 spoke to Arise Television today about the next President of his dream. His desire for a man that has great appeal across the length and breadth of Nigeria, who possesses the quality of inclusivity and can bond the nation together.
To many onlookers the man that fits perfectly into IBB’s description might just be Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello of Kogi State. This is moreso because of the way and manner that Economists, Investors, Celebrities, sportsmen, statesmen and even the media have accepted Governor Yahaya Bello speaks volumes of his capacity to do more than the dreams of former President Babangida.
GYB comes with energy and intellect to get the job done based on the way he bestrides Kogi space despite the geographical burden that comes with sharing boundary with ten states.
Nigerians must take IBB’s advise with Yahaya Bello in mind. Kogi under him is devoid of ethnic toxicity and religious intolerance. Kogi under him is low in crime
and bubbling with youth creativity.
These and more account for the roles the ruling party APC has been assigning to him in recent times. That is the energy he will inject into Nigeria.
Ronke Michaels writes from Lagos,Nigeria.