It’s been 10 years since the death of Abiodun Kumuyi, beloved wife of Pastor William Folo-runso Kumuyi, the highly revered General Superint-endent of Deeper Christian Life Ministry.

Late Sister Biodun Kumuyi
When this great woman passed on on April 11, 2009, very few sensed that she had unobtrusively left behind lofty precepts far beyond the ambience of church business. Fewer still were aware that although these ideas were bred in a humble religious cradle, they represented an ans-wer to the suffocating so-phistry of secular man.
Apart from her husband, their two children; Jerry and John along with a cluster of brethren who worked with Biodun or watched her at close quart-ers, there was probably no other person (or group) in the church that had an inkling of the weighty work she was doing as she paced the grounds of Deeper Life Bible Church, Gbagada, Deeper Life Conference Centre, Lagos-Ibadan Exp-ressway and International Bible Training Centre, Ayobo, now converted into Anchor University, the in-stitution promoted by the church and as she travelled worldwide with her spou-se. Majority of Deeper Life Church members and of the larger world may be forgiven if we did not dis-cern her contribution in her lifetime.
This world of decadent values is given to recogni-sing only the voluble and voluminous. Our age cont-emns those who shroud what they do in simplicity and meekness. Society app-roves the showy and up-braids the lowly. It enlists a juggernaut to crush those who stand for self-efface-ment. But to be sure Sister Biodun Kumuyi did not seek man’s approbation. There’s no record she did. Nor is there any that she lamented the lack of popu-lar applause.
She couldn’t have, being fully conscious of her Creator’s more enduring commendation reserved for her hereafter.
Starting with her involve-ment with the Christian Women Mirror Magazine, Mummy (as she was fondly called by the church folk) assembled a team of keen professionals who of course, were in the first instance genuine believers. They shared her vision of deli-vering a monthly journal that would cater for the interest of the women in the church.
We must quickly address a point here to draw an en-during bestowal in this field. Although the magazi-ne started in October 1992 as a forum for the sermons of the pastor, Biodun moved beyond that vision to accommodate other features needed to build a woman into an all-round Christian homemaker.
Under her supervision as she heeded the plan of God for the magazine, the publication became a quiet weapon of evangelism.
By the time Sister Biodun died a decade ago, Christian Women Mirror had become a must-have in almost every home! Although it’s a Deeper Christian Life Ministry effort, it has ceas-ed to be a denominational journal.
The reason is be-cause its contents are catholic, rooting fundam-ental Biblical teachings in-to everyday practical use for the woman, her home, church and society.
Culled from vanguardngr.com