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Many have written about the political prowess of the Abubakar Audu dynasty and its organisational astuteness as ably now represented by the son of the late politician, Prince Shuaib Abubakar Audu.
One may be tempted to join the hordes of commentators but I will rather concentrate on this aspect of his life which fascinates me the more and which encapsulates his humanity, his being and his soft side.
Shuaib Abubakar Audu, an Oxford graduate with over 20 years banking experience, has been described by many in many ways, but his attribute that melt my hearts the most is his unrivaled and almost god-like kindness and his leitmotive to serve humanity in many possible ways.
It does not matter where you are from or who you are – Ebira, Igala, Nupe or Hausa, shoe maker, senate president or governor – Shuaib Abubakar Audu sees equality in all men, a lesson he learnt from his father, the late governor of Kogi state.
The young Audu treats all equally and this quest to bring about the equality of men led to his setting up of the Shuaib Abubakar Audu Foundation to bring men together through the provision of the basic minimum of life to the people rather than the pursuit of the mundane things as status.
Many who know this young scion of the Audu dynasty would testify that they have all watched him give without expecting anything in return. The manner and rate at which he gives, awe people like me, sometimes shocking us beyond words.
I would confess that I am one of the major beneficiaries of his kindness. I have tried to measure up in this regard, but the more i tried, the more I realise that a man who can measure up to the generosity of Shuaib Abubakar Audu in Kogi state today must belong to another generation as I have come to believe, it is one per generation.
Shuaib, by his act of kindness and generosity, has been chosen as the one for our generation.Talk about giving back to humanity, I would say without apologies that he has given more than enough to our people. If it were possible for humanity to return excesses like we have in budgetary situations under President Muhammadu Buhari, Shuaib would have to much kindness to take back.
As I often tell people who are close to me, Shuaib Abubakar Audu has done more than enough for his people in the short period within which his foundation came into existence for his people than some governments have done in eight years, a fact that is there for all to see. Our people would forever be grateful to him.
Because of his philantrophy demonstrated by the activitics of the foundation, I have met many men that i respect but my respect for Shuaib Abubakar Audu towers above all of them.
Here is one man who has continued to awe many with his unmatchable forsight and probing intelligence which is to take care of the less previleged in society. Nichollo Machievelli wrote in his book, The Prince, that the first opinion that is often formed of a leader’s intelligence is the quality of men found around him. When they are competent and loyal, he can always be considered wise.
Thanks and kudos to the men around him for the gift of the foundation.Today, thanks to his blessed memory, his father, the late Prince Abubakar Audu, because of his ability of having the attribute of knowing who is best to succeed him because there cannot be an achievement greater than that. Some leaders would have prefered an idiot who would be only good in fawning the embers of hatredand disunity.
Rather than do this, the late Prince Abubakar Audu went for a thinker and a doer, a quality he saw in his son, Shuaib Abubakar Audu. Any time I discuss with my colleagues and friends from other parts of the country, they talk about the respect and awe they hold for this young man and the awe they have for the future of our people and Kogi state because of this young man.
Certainly, the likes of Shuaib Abubakar Audu is what our country and indeed Kogi state need to complement the efforts of the government in cushioning the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and to provide the minimum infrastructure to our people across the nook and crannies of the state.
With men like Shuaib, men who are kind and have a heart of gold, Kogites can go to sleep, unshaken and assured that the health of the state and its people are guaranteed.The foundation is on the right track when recently the chairman and founder of the Shuaib Abubakar Audu Foundation, Shuaib Audu, announced to the joy of the people of five local government areas of Kogi state that the foundation has commissioned and completed the sinking of five boreholes to tackle the perennial water scarcity in the state.
This is commendable and it is there for all to see. I am glad that this foundation has systematically and pragmatically introduced a new form of philantrophy that emphasises the wellbeing of the people and de-emphasises tribal, political and religious considerations as criteria for siting of its projects.
With the people delighted, the foundation has commenced plans to cover the 21 local government areas in the siting of the borehole in Kogi state in no distant time.
According to Napoleon Hill, a goal is a mission with deadline, but Shuaib Audu has engrained this philantrophic gestures of his into his leitmotival curriculum that he has said it time and time again that he would never stop till no Kogite is so lacking that he would go to bed hungry, pay his children’s school fees and have shelter over his head.
He has chosen upon himself to pick the people’s gauntlet and battle their challenges of want and deprivation. He knows the times we live are very traumatic and difficult for many and he has chosen to always be there for them. As a pragmatic, charitable and grassroots person, Shuaib Audu early in his life saw community service as a veritable tool for social development.
He has never hesitated in serving his people, spearheading several financial and fund raising occasions for the downtrodden and community development in Kogi state. He is now fulfilling his resolve to take on any challenging task with positive public to reduce poverty in Kogi state.
Thank you Shuaib Abubakar Audu, our prince of the hearts.
Wada writes from Abuja