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Leading News and current affairs television, Channels TV may have incurred the displeasure of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) for hosting a spokesman of the secessionist Independent People Of Biafra(IPOB) to an interview.
Already the NBC is threatening to suspend the broadcast licensee of Channels TV and also slam it with a fine of Five Million Naira.
The interview hosted by Seun Okinbaloye on a program Politics today on Sunday night according to a strong worded letter from the NBC to the management of channels was in contravention of several of the broadcast codes and extant laws of the land.
” In the programme a so called new leader or IBOP made several secessionist and inciting declarations or air without caution or reprimand by your station. He also made derogatory, false and misleading statements about the Nigerian Army.
This is reprehensible especially that IPOB remains a proscribed organisation as pronounced by the law courts of the land. This much channels ought to know and respect.”
The letter usually signed by the Acting Director General, Prof Armstrong Idachaba cited sections 3.11.1(b) and 5.4.3 of the Nigerian Broadcasting Code as having been violated.
It said Channels was now liable to the suspension of its license and a fine of N5millon provided in Section 15 of the code.
He directed an immediate cessation of the programme and cautioned that the station owes the country the “responsibility for a true professional and ethically guided Broadcasting especially at times of crisis.”