Yesterday is gone, but it’s memory are still with us.Today is here, and we should make the best of it.Tommorrow is for God, so we can only hope for the best.
This is the story of every human being.While we are still living we celebrate ourselves, not just for our achievements, but also for how we have positively affected the lives of others.
The story of Murtala Ajaka, the deputy national publicity secretary of the ruling APC, a man of many parts, and one of the most patriotic living Nigerian is one that should encourage all of us.Monday,13th of February was exactly 45 years that this quintessential and benevolent leader of men was born.
A humble, humane, unassuming, accommodating and kind hearted being, his humble beginning as a journalist who became a silent achiever and a fighter for people’s right even before he became the deputy national publicity secretary of the APC, is indeed worthy of study as he celebrates his birthday.
After such a short time in politics in which the usual sound bites and answers that dominates the news won’t help. But the get-the-job-done political leader in Murtala Ajaka who cares very much about his people than the polls and more about winning their future than re-writing history is today regarded as the emerging leader by his people who are ready to stand by him at any cost because that is who he is.
His people are inspired by his example and are more United, more determined and more purposeful than at any point in their recent history with his support and leadership qualities.
Muri has left his marks on the political history of his people and proved to them that the politics of the state will long endure and with good leadership resources like he has shown,they would ultimately realize the developmental quests and future they all desired.
He is a politician that whether he is talking to big politicians, captain of industries, traditional leaders or the ordinary folks in the society, has that uncanny ability to open them up, to hear beyond their words and to uncover a higher truth and to be vulnerable with them in a way that allows them to be vulnerable back.
His people are proud of him because the scent in politics has never ever seem till today to turn fetid with the people as his popularity ratings continue to soar and increase everyday.
As the deputy national publicity secretary of the ruling APC, Murtala Ajaka is known as an orator without equal.
He now occupies a unique place in the politics of Kogi state and the nation at large and this is because of his distinctive voice in the polity without any damaging baggages which his political opponents can use against him.
Murtala Ajaka has been described at various fora perfectly as”Charismatic”and not done yet,they went on to say”he is one of the emerging political leaders from Kogi state and even in our national politics that is blessed as an effective bridge builder across tribes, across regions and zones, across religion, across political parties and even generations.
In the face of stiff opposition politicking being played in our clime,many major opposition figure could not agree well on Murtala’s birthday celebration that though they belong to different political parties and of course holds opposing political views on political issues such will not blur their recognition for Murtala Ajaka’s personal and distinctive accomplishments as a leader by his own right in both Kogi and national politics.
If opposition’s political figures calls a fellow politician in the ruling party” a dazzling lawyer, outspoken leader for the people sake, very brilliant and courageous, a team player and a firm believer that power comes from God and that he gives it to every man according to his term and purpose”then you should know that the in question is worthy of these words.
Those that have met and worked with Murtala Ajaka can attest to his humility. At 45, nothing seems to suggest that the eloquent Murtala Ajaka has spent almost half a century on earth.
Here is a man that is still as someone in his 20s.You do not see any sign of fatigue. He stood out for his passion and consistent support for his people among other interventions that have gone a long way in endearing him to his people while serving commendably at the APC national headquarters.
As he marks his 45 birthday on Monday, February 13, 2023, it is worthy to salute, though belatedly, a humble and remarkable politician and leader. What a worthy life so far?. Happy birthday and your days be merry and bright
Musa Wada