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The Liberty, intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety LIONS club has donated items to private physically challenged School in Ilorin, Oju Oluwa To More Schools and special needs to cushion the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic
Speaking during the presentation of the food items, stationery, detergents and others the President Ilorin Royal Lions club Dr Ogedengbe Temitayo said ” Ilorin LIONS club is a branch of international association of lions club which which major aim is to help the less privilledge, what we do is to see how we can render help to people who are underprivileged or people who are challenged in one way or the other, as an activity for our month of July, we choose to visit To Mo re schools of physically challenged, with the aim of contributing our quota to assist the school management in ensuring that we donate food items, detergents, stationeries to the school management so as to cushion the effect of the pandemic at the same time, assist them in catering for the physically challenged students that they have in the school system, we came with 25 kg bags of rice, 25 kg bags of garri, two cartoons of indomie, 5kg of liquid detergents, we have eggs, groundnut oil, biscuits for the kids, if we do estimate in terms of naira we will be looking at about 50 thousand naira, we believe that it is a great work Rev Sam Ajayi is doing hear, we want to encourage the management to continue to do well, we want to encourage them to continue to help these children and to continue the good work they are doing, we know that it is a sacrifice that nobody can pay them for except God, we trust that God will come to their aide and send more help to them and as a club too, we intend to continue to come, visit and donate the capacity we can i will like to advise the government to look into helping the less privilege like this, they could support the school, we have heard at length, the director talking about the various needs of the school, he mentioned the fact that if they could at least help in sending teachers who they will cater for their salaries to the school that will be sufficient for them, if the government can at least do that for them, I’m sure that the school will do well and will be able to progress from there.” He said
Meanwhile, The Proprietor Oju Oluwa (To Mo Re) Nursery and Primary School of Special needs said “When the school started, I was thinking it was for the normal children because those that first came were normal children, but after two or three months somebody brought a special child on what is called downsyndrom he brought them to us, he said God asked her to bring the child let us accept the child before you know it they are two, they are three, they are four, somebody came, said sir you have this kind of children, I said yes, I salute your courage do you know what it entails to take care of them, I said God will help because God brought them in, he went to his car and gave me a form, I filled it, 11 months later I was called at Abuja that if they give me 5 Million what I’m I going to do it, I said I have never handled 5Million in my life he said he want me to have a class room, he wants me to have a place I will keep the children, You can see the UBE assisted project that is what we use to get the school, by the time they came back two years later, they saw that the four children has become 30 I now said what shall we do because people were calling me all over the country that they want to bring their children that is how they built this hostel. right now, we have over 60 of them here of various disabilities, their parents keep coming my problem initially is how to take care of these children,
Speaking on the challenges faces, Reverend Samuel Abiodun Ajayi said “lf the government can pay my teachers I think I’m ok so that I will be sure I have enough helping hands, some of the teachers they have heart for this children the children are happy when the teachers are around, we also need more class rooms especially for them, they are not like other children that can run around where they sit down is where they may be through out the day so there is no way of going about, my prayer is that the Lord will encourage the parents because many of them when they bring them in the morning you can see them shedding tears some are even asking themselves for how long are they going to do this, some children have been here for the past seven years and there is no hope that they will one day graduate and leave this place so you can imagine what it means and some parents are even tired they don’t even want to pay a dime over them, so the burden is now coming back on us and you know you can’t blame such parents and my prayers for this children is that God one day will do a miracle. I have travelled severely to go and look for deliverance ministers because I don’t know what God can do I have travelled as far to Abeaokuta brought a deliverance minister who prayed for them as we were praying I opened my eyes, I wanted to see miracle. I believe miracle will happen one day I went as far to Igbeti I went round is not only the physical, even both spiritual and the physical and when it is exactly 12 O’ clock here we are praying for them and come and see other children they are praying for them, some will even go and lay hands on them and you know we are expecting miracle. The only thing that we have seen so far is that we can see some characters changing those that use to be very aggressive they are now becoming calm, we are praying that God will do a miracle, physical miracle that people will see and they will appreciate God in this place.”
On sensitization of parents on what to do to avoid things like this so that they won’t be an increase as it is not easy to cure but easy to prevent he said “by the Grace of God I have been on television radio for the past seventeen years, many people got to know Tomore on the radio and on the television where we sensitise people, where we talk to youths, where we tell them the problem, in fact it was on the television I made the announcement that they should bring those children and I talked to parents there was a time I have to employ an expert who is here just to educate parents as they bring their children but when I could not pay him any longer he has to leave that sensitization is on, I left television because the charges became too high as no money is coming from anywhere, I have to stop it, now the radio, the radio allow me to pay 100 thousand every three three months thank God for a radio station in the state which allow me to pay when I have it. I have paedetrecian here they are coming ones in a while, if there is any case they will come and visit us and give us advise we also have neurologist, physiotherapist, we called on them because we cannot pay them is voluntary there is little we can do, the issue that is very critical now is that of speech therapist we had a Corps member who was doing it for us but after she left we are now looking for someone now, we are told that in the whole of Ilorin we have only one who is at University of Ilorin teaching hospital UITH, we are now begging him please can you even if it is one hour come and train us because this is a physical kind of a thing so that we can learn from you but he has not been chance up till date . We are going online to see what is happening in other countries but where is the wherewithal to get all those things on ground so that is the problem we are having, that is why we did all we could to make sure that we are on the web so that people can see us, people can decide to come and partner with us, initially I requested for a VSO from Canada they send him to me by then no phone and the VSO was hijacked at Abuja I was here in Ilorin waiting by the time I finally get to them, they said we have sent him to you I said I have not seen anybody so you can imagine if I have somebody from Canada definitely things will change for better, these are the some of the challenges that we are facing and even in the hostel we are having nurses that are taking care of them so we dont just employ people without medical knowledge, we have clinic there in the hostel, when the cases is beyond us, we have a private hospital which treat free of charge, we are engaging doctors we are engaging people that have the technical knowledge of all this things to come and assist us
“Like those parents that have children here we normally have our PTA once every term and we bring an expert to come and talk to them, it was during all these interactive programme individual will now start telling us their situation some children are not born that way it may be jaundice after they have been born, some could be physical accident we seized that opportunity to talk to parents and any opportunity that we have we also utilize like in churches if we have opportunity to talk in the churches, we try to explain things to them and how to avoid drugs, cigar, alcohol, the impact it could have on their pregnancy like a child thank God that the child is dead now, yes you know when i say thank God, that child if he is on ground you will think that there is no single bone in his body just as if you packed cluff on the ground but when you raise him up, you see him getting up, the mother we were told she took herb when she did not know that she is already pregnant and the herb really worked and the husband went and look for more and they were even sharing it to people only to have that child the time that child died the father said thank God because they have spent their last kobo we want to also thank God for your club I want to believe that there will be occasion where you may organize teachings for parents, You can also call us to come and tell them what we are seeing physically, and how it can also be of help” he added.
According to wikipedia.org. Lion Clubs International (LCI) is an international non- political service organizations established originally in 1917 in Chicago, Illinois, by Melvin Jones with a motto: “We Serve”.