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By John Ewawoche Gabriel
I promised to write his Excellency, Deputy Governor of Kogi State few days ago, but time was not on my side, due to national assignment, I face as a result of insecurity ravanging the state I work as Journalist.
I made it compulsory, to hurriedly get to the social media and drop this message to his Excellency, hoping that it will reach him.
Your Excellency sir,
I congratulate you today, for not only emerged as the Deputy Governor of Kogi State, but being humbled, dedicated and focused towards your job, then as Chief of staff, today, God has placed you as second in command, to a workaholic man like your principal, Alhaji Yahaya Bello
At 47, God has chosen you among the retired commanders of brigades, old time politicians, elders and decision makers of Kogi, to be the second in Command to his Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello.
Congrats, sir.
You have been chosen, because the state needs a man of honest, dedicated, workaholic, focused and above all, a man who is pathetic, that has the pains of his people, and bent on delivering ” Dividend of Democracy” to his people, irrespective of religion, tribe and ethnic affiliation.
Sir, I have no doubt for you becoming whom you are today, because of so many success recorded as then Chief of staff to his Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, Director General, APC campaign projects.
It’s always said, ” behind every successful man, there is a woman.” Behind every successful governor, there is a deputy that is humble, and dedicated. This Accounts for various achievements recorded in the state within just two years you copilot the affairs of the state with your principal.
You may not understand why I have to congratulate you, when you are barely two years away since you assumed Office and barely two years to the end of your principal’s tenure in office, as governor.
Although, no congratulations is coming to late, but as a journalist, I take my time to x-ray the activities of politicians, compare and contrast his predessor, weighed and make conclusions.
Sir, once again, congratulations, Kogi is moving forward, and we must surely get there.
I am interested in Kogi because, apart from being my mother’s home state, it was in Kogi I knew my left from right.
Many have criticised you, your principal, of performing below expectations. Some even accused you and nicknamed you, and made unnecessary allegations against you and your principal,. His Excellency Governor Yahaya Bello. You remained calm, focused and not deterred because you knew the work God has sent you to do in Kogi State. Also, as a father to the state with lots of wisdom in you, it’s not proper to make noise or join issues with haters.
Upon assumed office, you knew what you met on ground, you knew where you are today in terms of developments across the state and so many lives you have touched so far.
Right from the past successful four tenured governors of Kogi State, no governor, had received a sounding applause from the people of the state while headsway as a governor for the job well done. In as much as Governnent comes, and go, it’s all criticisms. Criticisms, not because they all failed, but for them to sit tight and do more.
It has become a slogan that is associated with a successful government. Pls, bear it as you face the herclous task.
Sir, as the fourth Executive Governor, Deputy Governor of the state,. no successful government comes without it’s challenge,
it’s on record that Kogi was in a state of indebtedness and nearly collapse before you assumed office. But today, there has been a tremendous improvement. Rome, they said, was not built a day. It actually takes a longer time to rebuild those things that were destroyed.
I am writing today, not to praise you, but to express my heart felt congratulations towards you and your principal.
As you are aware, no man born of a woman will plan evil to a man who is uplifted by God and succeed. Never, I have not seen.
You deserve your title: Commander of Igala Kingdom, Oliméné Attah Igala believing that you will do more for the people of the state and earn more titles.
Sir, today, by the special Grace of God you are serving, you are already a father to Igala nation with vast responsibilities of hundreds of children (I mean Kogi sons and daughters) bestowed upon you.
Therefore, it’s a duty bound on you, to take all as your sons and daughters irrespective of their behavior.
It’s obvious and shameful act for a Kogi son, or daughter to join forces with outside world with intention to bring you down politically, but since your destiny is not in the hands of men, you will always triumph. But, I plead with you sir, be at peace with all men. They will surely bow.
Daddy, I want you to think back, where you are coming from, and consider where you are heading to and make intelligent decision as you always do. Left for men, ” they cannot do you anything, when God did not permit them.”
Yes, recently you and the Publisher, Sahara Reporters were in the news, simply because you rejoiced with your daughter over academic feat. Always prepare to meet such men, on your way to the top. The enemies you knew, are always better than those you don’t know, but God will surely give you victory over evil.
Continue to do good to those who showed signs of enemity, just the way your religion thought you.
Sir, as a Christian with a forgiven heart, I feel you will forgive those who bent on ” pulling you down” but hardly succeed because they are not God that placed you, where you are today.
Having said all these,
Sir, I made bold to plead with you on behalf of one of your political associates (as he fondly called himself), Mr. Nda Aaron and others as suggested to consider them again, and put food on their tables.
It’s obvious, he took a wrong step, but a hungry man is always an angry man.
(2) I am also using this opportunity help do something about Okura-Zaria, Road. The road from Okura -Olafia to Zaria, that passes through Emômôka, to Ankpa Ogoma, to Onitcha Igo is seriously in a dilapidated condition. Residents in those villages are Farmers. Most of their harvests hardly graced Nkwô market days,Afô in Onitcha Igo market days since motorcycles, not even cars cannot pass through those major roads.
Your Excellency sir, I hope you will surely give a listening ears to these humble requests as you usually did.
John Ewawoche Gabriel writes from crocodile city