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Your Excellency.
My Leader, Boss, Friend, Siamese Twin Brother, God-sent benefactor and Captain of the Ship of my Beloved Kogi State, the White Lion Himself.
A year ago, whilst I was by your side working out the service of our State, the wicked ones of Kogi (those whose only desire is to hijack power by every means possible) pushed the lie they conjured in their dumb heads and maggot-infested soul that my wife, my 3-month-old son and I were involved in a ghastly motor accident along Abuja-Lokoja Road.
To the Glory of God, and the shame of the devil, the desires of your enemies and our enemies did not come to pass, and we are all alive and healthy today. God has also given more proof from our last Elections that your leadership of Kogi State is divinely made in heaven. I have no doubt that God will continue to protect us on this journey of the New Direction to the Next Level and no devil or his agents can stop us. God will always give us the overcomers’ grace.
Thank you, sir, for not yielding to the strong pressure to champion an Ethnic Agenda which excludes other tribes to the sole advantage of Anebira. You have rather chosen to exemplify a United Kogi where all have the sense and feeling that they belong.
Thank you for not towing the path of a religious extremist. We the followers of Christ appreciate you for the award of a contract to build a befitting Chapel of Worship in Government House, making Kogi one of the few states which have a place of worship for adherents of both major faiths within the seat of power, just like the Presidential Villa.
Your heart is full of LOVE. May our Almighty God Whom you honour to continue to honour you before your enemies, increase your greatness and comfort you on every side.
Thank you for securing our state and ridding us of the violent kidnappers, robbers and thugs who held us hostage before your arrival in Government House.
Thank you for rising up to the occasion and crushing the elements of hell whenever they try to raise their ugly heads as they recently attempted in Omala. You are truly the most successful Governor of the entire 4th Republic in Security.
Thank you for your herculean efforts to rapidly bridge infrastructural gaps left behind by many years of negligence by your predecessors.
Thank you for the many genuine reforms in the Civil Service which has changed the orientation and attitude of our people to work, even as you make spirited efforts alongside our Labour leaders and other stakeholders to access the balance of our bailout funds.
You have persevered in this task even as those who claim to love and fight for Kogi more than you are resisting your efforts and doing everything in their power to sabotage it in Abuja and elsewhere. Because I know good will always triumph over evil, I know the painful obligation around salaries and wages will be put to rest shortly. When you triumph in this as you have done in every challenge, the enemies shall have no more song in their mouth but that of sectionalism, and even that will perish in their mouth too.
Thank you for showing time and again that you truly love me. You may not recall this sir, but I can truthfully say that the only time you have lost your temper with me since I started working for you was the night I went out without my full complement of security vehicles and details. You were so worried about the way I exposed myself that you remained angry and scolded me for 2 whole days. I have not and will not repeat that mistake. However, seeing you so concerned about me was completely reassuring.
Thank you for being you to me, to us and to Kogi with all your powers.
If I am to choose my leader a million times, I will always choose you.
You are the MAN.
After YOU, Na YOU!
Thank you for standing in for all of us your aides in good and bad times. Even to those who lost faith in this journey.
Your rewards in life and eternity is bigger and more precious than the loyalty of mere mortals. However, the Bible places a severe curse on betrayers:
“Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born” (Matthew 26:24)!
Let me, therefore, reiterate to you that I am Totally Loyal – to you to the CORE.
I also declare that anyone who has soared to success with your support, or on your back, or by the incidences of your office, in fact, in any way at all who openly or secretly betrays you will harvest all the woes pronounce by the Bible.
Anyone who has enjoyed your largesse and has gone behind to stab you in the back will discover that each stab will pierce the heart of their own nearest and dearest until they wish they had never been born as the Bible says.
Thank you for your inspirational leadership which motivates us to go the extra mile on the job even when the going is tough and the results are not coming as fast as we expect.
Thank you for leading us ( The APC Family to an all-time record Electoral Success. 25 members out of 25 in the Kogi State House of Assembly is the surest sign that your second tenure would is secure by the grace of God and the will of our voters. It is also signed that the 3 Arms of Government will work speedily and with unity in moving us to the Next Level of the New Direction.
Thank you for striving to unify Kogi State through the proportional allocation of resources to all parts of the state.
Thank you for your great respect for our Traditional Institutions and their deliberate inclusion as Stakeholders and partners in the process of governance.
Thank you for keeping our eyes on the ball always through the example of your own personal habits of discipline and commitment.
Most importantly thank you for TRUSTING me, Edward Onoja, regardless of the noise of demonic liars who approach you with all sorts of diabolic falsehood in their bid to put a rope to the trust which binds us together so things can fall apart between us and in Lugard House.
Thank you for loving me and my family.
Thank you for loving our people, our state and our country.
I dare to prophesy that you will return again as Governor because your efforts are genuine and it aligns with God’s divine agenda for Nigeria.
Already, after your stunning electoral victories in February and March, we are getting serious enquiries from the most unexpected people and quarters, your long-time foes and detractors, seeking an end to hostilities and asking how they can serve in advancing your cause in November and beyond.
This Project is a product of Prophecy. It cannot abort! It will arrive safely at the DESTINATION.
My Boss, my friend and my Siamese Twin for Life!
Any loyalty that’s only in your presence is NO LOYALTY.
What we have achieved in Kogi State in the last three years and Ten Months are foundational in nature and are key to building a truly progressive and upward moving state.
We have broken down barriers of Deep Ethnic hate and suspicion, Deep unspoken Religious bumps and wide class stratification. God with your strong will and sense of purpose we have bridges of Unity and oneness.
That’s a major National desire. I pray Leaders up there and those aspiring to top jobs can take a cue from Kogi.
I’m a Believer Of impossibilities becoming Possible.
I owe you LOVE!
And you have it unconditionally.
Eddie the then Chief Of Staff,
Now your Deputy Governor And Deputy Governor-Elect.
To God be the Glory!