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AbdulAhad Otuoze
The Ag Director General, National Broadcasting Commission NBC, Professor Armstrong Idachaba has praised the collective efforts of government, stakeholders and broadcasters towards the launching of the second phase of Digital Switch On starting with the cosmopolitan Lagos in April 29.
Idachaba bare his mind during the meeting with stakeholders to ensure the strategic roll out of Digital Switch On in Lagos, considering it’s status as a commercial and economic nerve of Nigeria, with Portharcout and Kano subsequently.
He stressed the need for a concerted efforts to ensure the success of the second phase to be kick-started in April 29,2021.
‘This meeting is obviously put together to aggregate the involvement or participation of stake holders, especially those of us in Lagos on the imperatives of this transition.’
‘May i remind you that as a country, we earnestly commenced the DSO in 2016 with the pilot in Jos and subsequent roll out in 6 states,where the proposition is gaining traction.’
‘The Switch on in Lagos is very sgnificant because Lagos is unquestionably the Media hub of Nigeria, the most populated city in the country and advertising melting point.’
Professor Idachaba asked the technical partners not to live any stone unturned towards the month end launch ,so as to enable smooth transition from analogue to Digital Switch On of the heavily populated Lagos and other states of Nigeria.
‘This conference will set the frame work for the implementation of the process in Lagos, we have therefore brought to you today, the Ministerial task force on the DSO chaired by tbe Honorable minister himself,Digiteam is also here, the Free TV platform, the coalition of critical operators in the process are also here to offer detailed explanations of the process.’
‘The Directorate of Broadcast Research and planning has undertaken a study of the next phase of the roll out.The research outcome indicate data or findings regarding- levels of awareness which is still less than 20 percent,it also indicates level of preparedness by broadcasters which generally hovers about 30 percent.The report also covers expected revenues from the DSO,challenges to the roll out and current audience rating of programmes.’
‘I therefore want to appeal to the Signal
distributors and channel owners to ensure that before the 29th of April 2021 all necessary proceedures and installations for a hitch free Switch on is concluded.’
‘The NBC shall remain in Lagos to ensure that is concluded.’
According to the Ag Director General, the cynicism in some quaters of unavailability of some of the equipment required for the take off,must be nipped in the bud.
‘To the box manufacturers, Lagos is a huge population, boxes must be on ground and available.Some observers remain unconvinced that our local box manufacturers have the capacity to deliver due largely to the huge projected requirement of 40 million STBs.’
‘I know that you will justify the huge confidence imposed on you the NBC and the government.Kindly make them available and affordable.’
‘I must commend and appreciate broadcasters who are already giving the switch on the needed publicity , Channels TV —””’it goes a way to prove as they say, we are all in this together.
May, i specially thank the Honorable minister of Information and the Federal government especially since tbe coming to office of President Buhari,for the immesurable political, financial and moral support that has led to the re- invigoration of the DSO roll out phase.’
He said the world will look up to the successful take off of the second phase in Nigeria,not only as Africa’s most biggest nation,but an encouragement to other african nation’s towards keying into the technology of Digital Switch On
‘The World is waiting to see with optimism how Nigeria will switch on one of Africa’s Africa’s biggest city and population centre.And trust by Grace of God we will deliver for the good of tbe masses of this country.’