The attention of His Royal Majesty, the Obaro of Kabba, Chairman Okun Traditional Council has been drawn to a trending news on social media that HRM attended a meeting conveyed by a political party in company of some Traditional Rulers across Okun land recently.
It should be noted that one Emmanuel Ayodeji distorted information that emanated from the meeting for his selfish reasons.
This rebuttal would have been unnecessary but for the good people of Kabba in particular and Okunland in general, the followings should be noted.
(1) That HRM is the first citizen of Oweland and by virtue of his position, the first citizen of Okun land.
To this end, he can never be part of any meeting held either surreptitiously or otherwise to destabilize the peace currently being enjoyed across Okun land.
(2) As a stakeholder, HRM is concerned about the peaceful conduct of the forthcoming election, especially in his domain and he reserves the moral right and justification to attend any meeting conveyed to discuss peaceful conduct of election in his domain.
(3) Any attempt at denigrating the reverred stool of HRM by any unscrupulous element should be condemned by well meaning Owe sons and daughters as the Obaro stool is for the entire Owe people.
(4) That HRM is conscious of the fact that as a father to all, he can never utter statements that could pitch him or members of the traditional council in Okun land against any of his subjects.
(5) That the said Emmanuel Ayodeji is advised to immediately retract the malicious post and tender an apology to HRM else he would be reported to the law enforcement agents.
(6) HRM appreciates well meaning Kabba and Okun people who have responded to the obviously irresponsible post.
The Obaro of Kabba admonish eligible voters to go out and exercise their franchise come 9th March 2019 as adequate security measures have been put in place to ensure peaceful conduct of the election.
Owohunwa Kehinde. Secretary Kabba Traditional Council.