Today, we are particularly happy to have with us a member of the intellectual wing of the NNPP Presidential candidate , Sen Rabiu Musa Kwankwanso and Chairman, PCC, Youth and Student coordination Commitee. .He bared his mind on many political issues and many more…….read on
INTERVIEW:As we approach the 2023 presidential election.What do you think honestly about the chances of your candidate emerging victorious in the election?.
:Dr ISAH!! Thank you for this very important question. I would tell you with all sense of responsibility that there is not going to be a contest.The other candidate you see going around seemingly, mark my words, seemingly pretending to be vying for this office are all political pretenders. I would like to see them as sparing partners of Kwankwanso because if they all are going to enter the ring to contest against Kwankwanso then there would be no contest. I am saying this because i have always likened this contest to that of Mike Tyson to Micheal Spinks if you are a follower of professional boxing. Before the fans could even all get to the stadium, there was already a knock-out in the first round.
INTERVIEW:Why are you so sure of your prediction because many see the candidate of the APC Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, Labour Party, Peter Obi and the resilient Atiku Abubakar of the PDP, as a threat.What would you say to that?.
Dr Isah:Let’s call a spade a spade for once in this country.They say history is replete with example.The late Bashir Tofa of blessed memory was acclaimed by many as a threat to the ambition of Moshood Abiola but what happened when results started rolling out?.An immediate pointer that it was a no contest at all.I see this scenario being played out again and you can take this prediction to the bank. Kwankwanso is way too far ahead of these guys in every political reasonings and calculations you bring to the table to peer review the political strengths of those candidates you see as the Frontline candidates for this election.Lets not pretend about this.
INTERVIEW: What do you think are the political qualities that your principal have that makes him stand tall among the other political gladiators in the race?
Dr Isah: Sen Rabiu Musa Kwankwanso I can tell you emphatically is our sure foot forward in this country as president come 2023. One of our major problems in this country is ingratitude.We should be grateful to this man who against all odds layed the foundation for a greater Kano state. Kano as you all know is mini Nigeria and there is no denying the fact that if you can rule Kano successfully then when it comes to recruiting a leader to rule our country,the right of first refusal is yours.I am supporting my principal because he has earned the right to rule this country and take it back on the track of development because if he has done it in Kano,he would surely replicated it in the whole country.
INTERVIEW:What are this unique leadership qualities and charisma that you see in Kwankwanso that gives you this confidence that he would be a great president if elected?.
Dr Isah:I think that is a great question you have asked of me.They say history is always replete with example.In leadership recruitment efforts all over the world, antecedents of the considered candidate is the driving consideration.Let us learn in this country to get our leadership recruitment processes and yardsticks for consideration of those to be coronated right. I say this because ask anybody in this country today about what he thinks the problem of Nigeria is?.I can assure you that 90percent of the respondents would say, leadership.I tell you that we can only get it right if we as citizens go beyond the simplistic minimum qualification stipulated by our national Constitution for aspiring to leadership positions in this country.Issues such as antecedents, experience, character and so forth must also count.As for my confidence in the ability of Kwankwanso to lead successfully I want to ask you that among those contesting to be the next president of our country, is there any among them that have got the experience,leadership antecedents of excellence to bring to the job and the clear vision like Kwankwanso?.I think the answer is no. Dr Rabiu Musa KwankwansoBola is clearly a leader who have the clear vision for the future of our country.He is a man who see character as destiny,a man who at any point advocates value driven orientation,a man who do not only mouth transformation but is compassionate about changing the present narrative of our country,a leader who always acts with integrity and ethics,he is a leader that creates the entrepreneural mindsets for his people and see leadership as service and responsibility and not connected to mediocrity.He has the capacity to move our politics from transactional to transformative politics that can bring development to our country in all it’s physicality.If he can rule Kano by changing it’s narratives I think he would do it again as President of Nigeria.
INTERVIEW:What do you think as we approach the 2023 general elections are the challenges before our country?.
Dr Isah:The right leadership that can rise to the challenges of the time.We need a leader that can fight the symmetric and assymetric warfare of our country.I say this because make no mistake about this,if we get our leadership right in this country,our problems will be over in no time.The immediate challenge also before us as citizens is to concentrate on how to rescue our country from bad leadership at all levels and it’s attendant bad governance.Unless the critical mass of our country adopt the same position that this time around we would forget our selfish ethnic,religious and regional differences and vote for a Nigerian leader that clearly represents our collective agenda’s,we would not get there.The present approach in solving our leadership problems will not suffice because what we need is to build a coalition of thoughts that thinks Nigeria first before other interest and that is what Kwankwanso represents going into the polls.
INTERVIEW:I want to share your thoughts with us on our present democracy.Is it where we are suppose to be or stagnant?.
Dr Isah:I am not one that wants to always allude to our democracy as evolving all the time.We are urgently in need of a developmental demrocactic dispensation and that can only be possible if we have a president that would exit us from this transactional democracy-capable dispensation we currently practice to the transformational democracy-capable dispensation. Kwankwanso has shown that he believes in democracy by fighting for it because he believes that genuine democracy if practiced will rest on a much richer ecology of associated and organisational life that when nourished would be reproduced through the everyday struggles of our citizen.Our people are presently detached from the institutions and structures that in a democracy would ordinarily empower them to engage the state.We need a servant leader that would emphasize strong institutions of democracy than strong leaders.Kwankwanso is the man.
INTERVIEW: What is your final advice to Nigerians on the next election?
Dr Isah:The most practical way to link individual choice to the collective responsibility is to participate in the institutions that influence our lives.We must be registered and vote wisely because it is our future and that of our children that we are talking about.We must ensure that in the next election we vote for a President that would allow for the formal and informal institutions in our country to be democratized and giving more power in exercising their constitutional rights.To do so,we must vote for Kwankwanso who has promised to entrench a new system that allows the citizens to see the country as a permanent enterprise to be fought over and restructured in order to provide cover for the people.We should try to make political discourse of positive especially at this time we are approaching the elections so that we do not turn the ordinary people off politics or voting as many people grow more cynical and stopped voting in the previous elections because of the absence of discourse that points to a secure future for the country through our leadership recruitment processes.These are the crisis that our democracy has experienced in the past with low turn outs amid scant regards for leaders.We must tell our people that yet if they chose not to be involved or play a part in the election by voting,they would get the leaders they don’t deserve because they would hijack the process.Being political is being patroitic and we must leave our comfort zones and vote Kwankwanso in the next Presidential election because he knows the road.Thank you gentlemen the of the press for this previledge.
INTERVIEW:As the chairman of the committee on Youth and student coordination. What are your candidate plans for the youth which almost all the students are when they leave school?.
Dr Isah:The politics in this country has not bred the radical changes needed for the benefit of all instead it has bred radical religious, ethnic, and opportunistic agenda’s.Those who in the last decade would have erked out a living in the informal economy of the country are now beginning because of lack of opportunities beginning to turn to the criminal economy to effect the redistribution of wealth through the rising tides of armed robbery,assassinations,and kidnapping which form the backdrops of the increasingly tense anti-social behaviour we see among our young ones today.Our unemployed youths when they do not become criminals are used by politicians or join vigilante groups which makes them supplant the work of the security forces dealing out direct justice at every point and this threatens the monopolly of the state to use legitate force.In some instance,they become thugs for hire because they are abused in their vulnerability by our scheming politicians who expend them in political fights over electoral wards or dispose of them for a hundred of naira in order to destabilize their opponents for selfish political gains.When Kwankwanso becomes President, he would tackle the problems associated with our educational system that today churns out yearly according to the UN reports,half bake graduate roaming the streets because there is no job anywhere.This is an anathema to our democracy because you can not have a functional democracy when the future of your youth is not guaranteed.Kwankwanso would create a knowledge base economy and educational cluster zones in the country.When you make our education qualitative then we can trade on knowledge successfully to all parts of the world.