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It is evident that since the inception of democratic practice in 1999,after the first,second and aborted third republic, Nigerlites have not witnessed the level of political somersault,down turn,dislocation experienced in the last six years precisely from 2015.
This had thrown the entire populace from the big to the low in the society into some sort of political logjam,that brought the need to redirect the political developement of Niger state truncated since the last six years.
For the high class,it is time to go back to the drawing board to address the wide gap created by the current order not minding affiliations,creed, religion or extraction,but basically to revive good governance and people oriented leadership for a better Niger state.
Since the problems of leadership has multiplier effects on the well being of the people interms of economic,social,political and Infrastructural breakthrough,the need to go back to the drawing board became germane.
This is worsened by the protracted security threats to lives and properties that had precluded movement of the people of the state in the course of going about their legitimate struggles.
The negative trend has doubled the poverty ridden society due to misgovernance,lack of focus leadership,people oriented adminstration that had affected all the facets of the lives of people of power state.
But,in all ,a decision is already in the offing,for the people to return back to the good old order, under the platform of PDP that had transformed the state for consecutive sixteen years.
This is obvious because by the time the current administration term under APC elapsed in 2023,Niger state would have being not only in a sorry state, were many legacies built over the years must have being vandalised, yearning for a reform or complete rehabilitation both in human and material needs.
The PDP led 16 years of both human, economic,material and infrastructural achievements will also be yearning for rejuvenation under another era of PDP administration in 2023, with people’s mandate to Rt Honourable Mohammed Sani Kutigi as the proposed man that will be on the pilot seat.
Kutigi is home grown,house hold name,son of soil,a grassroot politician of high repute,an administrator per excellence,tested and trusted,and the darling of Niger state bureacrats,technocrats,leaders,movers and shakers, stakeholders of Niger state and it’s political developement.
His exposure both in the private,public and political office is enough resume to drive the needed ventilation required by Nigerlites in all areas of it’s developement denied in the last few years.
Let’s keep a date with the political history of Niger state, so as to return it’s lost glory in 2023 with Mohammed Sani Kutigi being our sure bet.
Abubakar Yusuf, Is A Journa, Writes From Abuja