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By Abubakar Yusuf
General Mohammed Buba Marwa (Rtd), is a household name not only in Nigeia politics but had a successful Military career where he displayed a very unique professional qualities, during his Military stint and as a Former Administrator of Lagos State.
With his outstanding and successful Military experience and technocratic ideals as a former envoy to South Africa, he was also the Chairman Presidential Advisory Committee for the Elimination of Drugs Abuses (PACED), and on several occasions involved in quasi-governent programs and activities that had assisted successive administration in no small measure, towards robust policies.
His strides lately as Chairman Presidential committee on Elimination of Drugs Abuses and Narcotics (PACED),he assisted the administration in charting a new course, not only in the Management of Drugs in the country,but redefining the mission and vision of drug control/ administration/enforcement to curb drug abuse, through a well thought out template, towards delivering on the mandate of government.
He developed a wider Blueprint to initiate new and modest policies and procedures that will address uneding drug related abuses.
The combination of his public service and organised private sector adventure garnered over the years had portrayed his potentials in handling key positions both in public and private conglomerates.
With a wider wealth of experience and extea ordinary resume during his Military career, which led to his appointment as one time Military adminstrator in the cosmopolitan Lagos State, where he instilled good governance, discipline and public order in the public service during his reign as Lagos Military adminstrator.
This is different from his giant strides that laid a solid foundation to the developement of Lagos state in all areas, including Infrastructures, Transportation, Agriculture,Health, Education and massive industrialization of Lagos State in the 90s.
General Marwa whose peak of his Military career was during his people oriented administration during the Military era, when he ruled Lagos State, with all sense of decorum and civility, even during the Military dispensation, to the admiration of not only Lagosians, but Nigerians resident in Lagos,within and outside the shores of the country.
Marwa who also served the country at the International sphere, as an envoy that represented the country outside the shores of this country in South Africa,where the image and bialateral ties between Nigerian and the country he served was at the top pedestal, that brought about more developement, through multiple Investments, that affected the nation postively during his service.
Ambassador Buba Marwa portrayed the desire for more developement of Nigeria and the country he served through multilateral agrements, that spur more public private participation which led to a stable socio-economic and political growth of both countries.
His new appointment as Chairman/CEO of NDLEA, as a successful public officer,it will be an opportunity to reposition the NDLEA, geared towards delivering the mandate of the government and redressing the image of the Agency, and by extension the country from drug related crimes.
General Mohammed Buba Marwa will no doubt not live any stone unturned, by redeeming the waning image of the enforcement Agency, to restore the confidence of both the government,Nigerians and the international Communities, in the drive to resist the use of Nigeria as transit camp, for illicit drugs.
The expectations of Nigerians from the new Chairman/Chief Executive Officer CEO from his legacies both in the Military, Politics and Administration, will introduce a laudable programs that will bring about a new ideas and ideals, into the Agency, that will improve on the activities and it’s image.
With a robust Military background,taken over the mantle of leadership of para-Military Agency like the NDLEA,will be a familiar terrain for General Mohammed Buba Marwa Rtd. to restore the dignity of the organisation.
With his exposure both within and outside the shores of Nigeria,the Former Nigeria ambassador to South Africa will not relent in efforts to address both the immediate and remote problems, demanding urgent attention, militating against the operation of the Agency.
He will be expected to revisit,review and re-acess the operation of the Agency in line with the present realities in tandem with both domestic and best practices world over.
General Mohammed Buba Marwa Rtd.will kick the ground running by creating enabling environment within the Agency, through staff motivation,reward system, development, promotion, discipline and emoluments in line with the present dispensation.
It will be expected of the new Chairman to curb the excesses of drugs movements both internally and externally in line with his mandates in the Agency.
As a hub of experiences and initiatives,the new Chairman/CEO will introduce new meaures, innovations that will assist towards repositioning the age long Agency.
With his new appointment,there is no doubt that sanity,best practices and other sane activities will herald on his assumption of duty in the Agency.
The new Chairman is tested and a trusted public officer with many decades experience that will improve tremendously the services of NDLEA in the next few years.
With General Mohammed Buba Marwa Rtd. and the co-operation of staffers of the agency,it is expected that a new Drug laws and more enforcement outlets, will be put in place to restore the lost glory of the Agency.
Abubakar Yusuf Writes From Abuja.